Friday, May 15, 2009


Terribly sorry about Monday.

I re-read that entry and wow...I was one cranky bitch! Geez.

T.V. still sucks for the most part BUT IFC had Blue Velvet on last night. David Lynch is one crazy man and that movie is just plain wrong on so many levels The actors did an amazing job. Especially Dennis Hopper and Isabella Rossellini. I have to wonder where Mr. Lynch comes up with these stories (he says meditation...ummm...okay maybe). I also wonder how weird it must have been for Hopper and Rossellini to act out some of those parts. I give them credit, I don't think I could do what they did and it explains why I'm not an actress. That movie's got me thinking though!

Again, I'm terribly sorry about Monday.

It probably will happen again...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Wholly cow am I cranky today!

I don't even have a good reason to feel that way. Everything's bothering me.

T.V. sucks more than usual. Aside from too many commercials (which doesn't make sense when you're paying for bad t.v.), my favorite channels aren't able to hold my attention. Discovery, Turner Classics, Indie Film Channel and the History Channel aren't keeping me entertained. I'm lucky if I get one hour of t.v. a night so I'd like it to be good. This sucks.

I've resorted to watching movies on DVD. My sister bought me some for my birthday and I also bought myself a DVD. These four movies lasted me about a week (I usually see about a half a movie a night then it's time for bed). Now that I've finished those, I have to find something else.

Here's what sucks about television. I really don't care to watch anything mind-numbing. I'm tired of being treated like a dumb child and I'm tired of being talked to like a dumb child. Everything's over-done, overly-dramatic, fake and for God sakes is it possible to have characters that aren't shallow and self-absorbed? Can we quit making the men out to be idiots and quit making women obsessed about clothing and whoring around?

AND STOP DRESSING THE KIDS LIKE HOOKERS!!! Holy Hell! I can't believe the lack of clothing the pre-teens on t.v. are wearing (or not wearing - whatever!). I'm not that old and I'm not a prude but seriously, put some clothes on the kids!

So I guess this is what drives the market...disappointing, very disappointing. Obviously this is what people want...melodrama and sex. No real conversations, no real effort to engage with people. No desire to think and feel something. No desire to read or watch something that leaves you thinking about it for days after you've finished reading/watching it.

I'm not bothered by comedies but let's face it, those have been dumbed down as well.

I'm very disappointed.

Just as our government is a perfect example of our country as a whole (no matter how much people complain about it, it's a prime sample of the people of a large portion of our country), television is reflecting the same. Don't get me wrong, I still love my country and think it's the most awesomest place to live. I've lived overseas and you can't beat the USA, but I'm having a hard time with the direction we're going.

I'm so very glad I opted out of having kids because I'd have a real hard time raising them with the way things are right now.

I'll try and keep hopeful that things will change and we'll become a little wiser but I highly doubt this is possible.

As Cy Curnin from the Fixx sings (from Reach the Beach - the song "Outside"):

Tongue-tied, no words can match this point of view
Chastise, I don't belong as no-one owns

Thank you Mr. Curnin for your succinct wisdom!

Monday, May 4, 2009

BLECH! Ummm....yeah, that's about right.

Mondays...yep, say no more.

It was a beautiful weekend and I spent most of it outside in the garden to continue my never-ending war on weeds. During this battle, I got a little sunburned...a minor casulty of war. Eventually, as this war and summer wages on, the weeds will send the moquitoes and I will have to bring out the heavy artillary, SEVEN and DEET...and even with these incredible chemicals, I will begin to lose the battle and lose my garden to the weeds yet again.

I hate summer.

A sure sign of adulthood is when my idea of entertainment is weedkilling. Since when did I get old? What's really sad is my butt hurts from weeding...when did that start?

It was my birthday on Saturday. Here's another sign of idea of a good birthday is killing weeds, having a good grilled steak dinner at home and falling asleep by 9pm so I can get up early the next day to kill more weeds. I'm not even forty yet and I'm acting like a seventy year old with no other hobbies.

I have plenty of hobbies but summer is when everything gets put on hold because of the damned weeds. My niece sent me a book on weeds explaining which ones are good and/or bad. Honestly, they're all bad when they're choking out the asparagus. I don't remember giving permission to anything but the asparagus to grow in that garden.

As for the other gardens, Lord only knows what the previous owners planted as we've spent the last four years trying to decipher what the hell is what. It's coming together...slow but sure and in ten years, it'll either be finished or my dead body will be found, half eaten alive by mosquitoes and half consumed by brambles.

Oh joy!

By the's been two weeks...still nothing back.