Friday, April 3, 2009


I swear Doug Luzader (the news correspondant for FoxNews) is Dorian Gray.

This has been bugging me since this morning. Please note: I don't watch the news anymore except to catch the weather. When I turned on the TV this morning, there was his face.

I do think he's a nice looking man but he's a little too perfect...or maybe he's too symmetrical. I'm not sure, really. He's definitely not bad to look at and he has a nice smile.

Here's the problem: Aside from his hair getting more gray over the years, has this man aged? I don't think he has and it's kind of creepy. I tried to find old pictures of him online and there were none. Granted, I suck at searching online but I don't suck that bad. If I had found pictures, I would've done a nice little timeline to prove my point.

Okay, yes this is a lame-ass subject and why it's been bothering me, I don't know. Eventually I forget he exists and then 'bing', there's his face again and I'm bothered all day. This has been going on for years.

Another thought just popped into my head. How weird would it be to meet him in person? I'd probably stare at him...fascinated by his lack of wrinkles. He doesn't even have laugh lines! I have laugh lines and I like my laugh lines. I think he's older than me and I'd like to know where his laugh lines are! If he's had plastic surgery, I'd like to meet his surgeon because that doctor is fantastic. I'd also recommend a couple of the hollywood freakshows that could use some help. You know, the people who've taken plastic surgery too far and look freaky now. Maybe Doug's doctor could make them look a little more normal.

I think I feel better now...


  1. There *are* these things called makeup, good lighting and PhotoShop. Just sayin'

  2. I may also forgot to mention: I am a public figure in my city (which is why I am anonymous). I benefit from all three things mentioned above, whether in photos or TV appearances. It's so weird, because people always say, "You can't be 50!" Um, I look 50 as hell, but all they seem to see is the media image, even in person. So odd.

  3. I like you anonymous & your random thoughts. You should write a book on them because I would buy several..just a thought

  4. Hmm...a known friend or maybe a secret admirer or are you truly an anonymous? Achppffftht! Who cares! Besides, I rather like the intrigue of not knowing whose brave soul it is tweaking my curiosity...and poking sharply at my conscience as well.
    Well Anonymous, you have my thanks because now I'm feeling pretty damned complimented! It's amazing how that little bit has made me want post up a new random thought. So, I suppose I'd better stop here and get to it. Thanks again!
