Friday, April 24, 2009


I don't know what it is about Fridays but they're always a freak show at work. Always entertaining and ever changing experiences happen on a Friday.

Last Friday, when I was leaving work, I caught a guy "changing" his clothes between our dumpsters in the back lot. I saw his motorcycle and wondered why there was someone back there so I drove over to see what was up. I didn't see anyone and when I yelled 'hello', a man's head popped up from between the dumpters. I couldn't see his bottom half (thank God!) but his top half was naked and he covered his chest up like a girl. He said he was changing his clothes. I told him I wasn't looking and that I'd leave him be. So, I got into my truck and left.

Hell if I was going to hang around until he was finished doing whatever he was doing!

That's just plain weird.

This Friday has been strange but since my experience last Friday, there hasn't been anything to top that...yet. The day's not over and anything can happen.

Change of subject:
It's day four and still nothing. Arg! I hate waiting.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Seriously!!!!!! Day TWO and many more to go!!!

I'm not really going crazy. Although...if I do get a little wacko and I get committed, it would be like a nice long vacation with really good drugs. I could use a vacation.

I might get committed anyway if I don't get a full night's sleep sometime soon. I went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 2:30am. I think I'm probably done sleeping completely through the night for the next few months. Right now, I'm still wide awake but a little clumsy. 4.5 hours isn't so bad.

I even drank some chamomile tea - 2 big cups and it didn't help. That's a load of crap anyway.

So...I'll just continue to wait and pray the sleep Gods will soon have mercy on me.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's do or die - Self Infliction

I'm forever getting myself into situations where it's guaranteed I'll be let down in some way. As if life isn't hard enough, I have to make it even harder. Geez!

I suppose if you don't put yourself out there for criticism, you'll always wonder what would've happened.

So...yesterday evening I decided to submit something I've been working on since October and now I get to play the waiting game. I can't say for sure if I'll get a rejection but I'm pretty sure it's inevitable. I'm hoping I'm wrong but let's be realistic...a first go at anything usually doesn't return success and persistence is the key for success. Or at least that's what the 'successful' people say and they're probably right.

I've been trying to keep pumped up. It's do or die!!! BUT...once you hit send on the old email, it's all about patience and wholly cow, I have none of that!

Here's been my brain activity since last night:

  • Damn, I forgot to "request receipt".
  • I wonder if they got it.
  • How long is this going to take! Read my email dammit!
  • I wonder if they got it.
  • Still nothing in my inbox.
  • They didn't get it...I know they didn't get it.
  • Still nothing in my inbox.
  • Crap...what did I just do...crap...geez, oh crap!

That's pretty much it. I'm being impatient for a rejection letter. I'm all wound up to feel bad. Well, like I said before, it's do or die and I suppose I'm doin' so I guess I'll keep livin'. We'll see what happens in the next FEW MONTHS because that's how long I have to wait. Oh this sucks!

Friday, April 3, 2009


I swear Doug Luzader (the news correspondant for FoxNews) is Dorian Gray.

This has been bugging me since this morning. Please note: I don't watch the news anymore except to catch the weather. When I turned on the TV this morning, there was his face.

I do think he's a nice looking man but he's a little too perfect...or maybe he's too symmetrical. I'm not sure, really. He's definitely not bad to look at and he has a nice smile.

Here's the problem: Aside from his hair getting more gray over the years, has this man aged? I don't think he has and it's kind of creepy. I tried to find old pictures of him online and there were none. Granted, I suck at searching online but I don't suck that bad. If I had found pictures, I would've done a nice little timeline to prove my point.

Okay, yes this is a lame-ass subject and why it's been bothering me, I don't know. Eventually I forget he exists and then 'bing', there's his face again and I'm bothered all day. This has been going on for years.

Another thought just popped into my head. How weird would it be to meet him in person? I'd probably stare at him...fascinated by his lack of wrinkles. He doesn't even have laugh lines! I have laugh lines and I like my laugh lines. I think he's older than me and I'd like to know where his laugh lines are! If he's had plastic surgery, I'd like to meet his surgeon because that doctor is fantastic. I'd also recommend a couple of the hollywood freakshows that could use some help. You know, the people who've taken plastic surgery too far and look freaky now. Maybe Doug's doctor could make them look a little more normal.

I think I feel better now...

Geez, this could be interesting.

Well, here it is. The first attempt at blogging. To me, this just seems weird. It's almost like talking to a brick wall but a little freer.

BUGPAWS: I honestly have no clue where the "Bugpaws" thing comes from. It almost sounds cute.

THE ADULT CONTENT THING: You never know what might get said...especially since I like swearing. I'm not much for anything else adult-ish except swearing. I don't think Google will let anyone freely "F"-bomb but it would be nice if they did. Damn-it all.

RULES: I have none. Let her rip! If things get out of hand, I'll do something about it but until then, have fun.