Friday, March 26, 2010


Below is Ms. A's creative and sneaky capture of a moment proving my inability to hold my liquor. In this case - vodka.

I think it beautifully encompasses what portions of our long weekends together are like.

This IS a true story. Yes, I did want to use bug spray. It's flammable so it would work. My taste buds - at that particular moment in time - were rather non-existent therefore it didn't matter if the chicken would end up tasting like bug spray. But there were other people, e.g. Ms. S. , who did care about the taste.
And, it's true that I suck at cooking. God only knows why (*cough - bug spray - cough, sputter*).

After having reviewed this series of pictures multiple times, I couldn't help but notice that I look a bit bitchy. I think that can be blamed on the vodka and as most of the ladies know, I'm not the most kindly person when drinking that stuff. Beer makes me happy, vodka makes me bitchy and wine makes me cry.

On the other side of the battle field, Ms. S. looks kindly distressed at this odd and nonsensical confrontation.

And don't even bother with feeling bad for her.

Ms. S. started it all and given this is my blog, I get to say so. She's the one who told me to bring the vodka knowing full-well what I am capable of while deep in my cups. So there.

Speaking of cups - yes, I'm wearing a bra from the 1950's and no, I'm not embarrassed. When embarking to float on a sea of booze, one must have reinforcements - i.e. a good and solid bra. Lord knows I wasn't out to look sexy!

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